What Ninjago Ninja Are You?

What ninja are you kai jay zane cole or lloyd find out in this short but cool quiz made by me it has 12 questions and now I'm gone..

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Created by: Matthew of blahblah.com
(your link here more info)
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Whats your Faveroite Ninja?
  2. Whats your Favorite color?
  3. If You Encounterd Sensei Wu What Whould You Do.
  4. What Element Whould You want if you could choose?
  5. If you were told that you and the team had to save A girl You would.
  6. Your team is in trouble you...
  7. PIck The Lucky One.
  8. What Weapon?
  9. Like The Quiz.
  10. Last One ... If you were done training what would you do.

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Quiz topic: What Ninjago Ninja am I?