What Ninjago character are you most like?

Many people like the ninja. They want to be like them. But, somethings about you may NOT be the same. You could like music, the ninja you like, may not. So, just have in mind, think before you act.

Do YOU have what it takes to be like one of the Ninja? You sit there wondering. Not anymore you won't! Take this kicking quiz to find out who you are most like!

Created by: Emjay
  1. Someone comes up to you and punches you for like, no reason. What do you do?
  2. What is your favorite color?
  3. Which of these is your favorite food?
  4. Chose a name for your dragon.
  5. What is your favorite saying?
  6. What element would you want to have?
  7. What is the most important part of training?
  8. Pick a letter.
  9. Do you have a crush on one of the ninja?
  10. Will you rate this quiz?
  11. Did you like this quiz?

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Quiz topic: What Ninjago character am I most like?