What Nine Elements character are you quiz

Jwjwojehwkwve n skehbskdowhdbkskehfbbsjrgbsbdjskbdjdjejjsbdnskskrjsjqlmsbdvfuwownbdhrksndbfbhdfgejwnsnjsjebebwjjebekskxbdvdvfvwko2yrowksdbbdfgfggfgfgfg8334

Dnjskwbdnskow36468w ok xnvxnkskeirjejdjehj go jej2oejhdjwkeir748wiheheeikekekekjvspowiejehahahahahahhahahqhqhhahhwhahwjshajjsjsjsjjdkkdkdkdkdklfkfkfkkdkdkdk

Created by: Roblox person
  1. What would you do if your friend got bullied?
  2. Books or games?
  3. Does it matter how you look?
  4. What do people say about you?(negative)
  5. What do people say about you (positive)
  6. Pick an emoji
  7. What's your favorite color? (If you click other it will have no effect)
  8. Which is your favorite character out of these
  9. How many friends do you have
  10. Did you like this quiz?

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Quiz topic: What Nine Elements character am I quiz
