What Newsies Broadway Character Are You?

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The Newsies Broadway tells the story of striking newsboys or "newsies" who are fighting for their rights as workers and for fair pay. The drama, songs, and humor in it have made it my all-time favorite movie and broadway!

The results include Jack Kelly, Davey Jacobs, Racetrack Higgins, Les Jacobs, Katherine Pulitzer (Plumber), Crutchie Morris, and Spot Conlon. Have a good time taking this quiz!

Created by: abi
  1. Are you a female or male?
  2. If you or your friends got hurt or have been mistreated, what would you do?
  3. What job do you want?
  4. What song from the Newsies do you love to sing?
  5. What is your favorite color?
  6. Are you an adult, teenager, or kid?
  7. What is your greatest weapon?
  8. What is your theme song? (not Newsies songs)
  9. What is your best trait?
  10. Who do you want to get?

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Quiz topic: What Newsies Broadway Character am I?
