What nba team am I

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You have 1 to 7 choices on all of the questions choose wisely if you like this quiz you try and make your own quiz, good luck and hope you like it. Scroll down to start the quiz.

You will be told your score and team at the end of the quiz so you have a chance to get 1 of the 7 teams depending on your quiz result. The choices are Lakers, Bucks, Clippers, Rockets, Warriors, and the Raptors.

Created by: Kade Feldman
  1. What is your age?
  2. What team would you most likely be
  3. Do you like the nba
  4. Are you athletic
  5. What nba team would you most likely beat
  6. What position are you
  7. Do you want to play in the nba
  8. Who is your favorite nba player
  9. Do you watch the nba a lot
  10. Do you like going to nba games

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