What Nature Element Are You?

Alright, enjoy the quiz, whatever you get is cool beans. And plus, you get to find out what element you are! WOOHOOOOO! Alright, I'll let you take it.

Alright, enjoy the quiz, whatever you get is cool beans. And plus, you get to find out what element you are! WOOHOOOOO! Alright, I'll let you take it. Alright, bye

Created by: John
  1. Your inside on a Rainy day, what's going through your head?
  2. Your friend is getting picked on, what's your reaction?
  3. Your most valuble possesion is..
  4. The most important people are...
  5. Your favorite activity is...?
  6. Pick an animal
  7. Pick a color
  8. Hair Color?
  9. Brand?
  10. Last Question.... Best Time of Day?

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Quiz topic: What Nature Element am I?