What Nationality are you Most Like?

This quiz is about what nationality you are based on your personality. You can get 1 out of 10 countries that could be your twin. There are instructions incase you are confused.

So basically,there are ten (10)questions you have to answer to get your result,some are directly based on the countries,some aren't. I hope you enjoy!

Created by: XCX MARTIN
  1. What continent do you live in?
  2. What cuisine is your favorite?
  3. What historical masterpiece is your favorite?
  4. What language do you speak?
  5. Are you calm or wild?
  6. Is it always hot or always cold where you live?
  7. Fast,hyper music or slow,romantic music?
  8. Can you speak or understand English?
  9. Do you listen to other languages of music more than English?
  10. What kind of music do you like?

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Quiz topic: What Nationality am I Most Like?
