What Naruto Village Are You From?

Naruto fans, you are on a journey to discover what village you are from. Don't worry this is not a difficult journey. It just requires you to take the quiz.

Whch phrase(by the way my first quiz so this may suck).

Created by: billy bob
  1. What is your favorite resource?
  2. who is the most popular ninja in your village?
  3. Who will most likely became village leader in later years?
  4. why do you like your village?
  5. what is the most common creature summoned in yo village?
  6. what jutsu?
  7. your filled with rage what you do?
  8. when you die would you like to die in battle?
  9. this will not affect i just need 2 more so here we go!
  10. whch phrase(by the way my first quiz so this may suck)

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