What Naruto Guy Are You?

Random things that taste like cheese rolled in bacon but they do not always taste of cheese rolled in bacon or do they? Anyhow I am kind of running out of random things to say.

Does Naruto like cheese rolled in bacon? I don't know but there is bound to be an abridged series on the matter but the real question is do you like cheese rolled in bacon.

Created by: sasuke
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What most describes your personality?
  2. What is your purpose in life?
  3. What is your motto?
  4. What is your preferred weapon?
  5. What is your preferred jutsu?
  6. What is your favourite colour?
  7. What is your favourite food?
  8. Who is your fav character?
  9. I like cheese do you?
  10. Who is your fav girl character?

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Quiz topic: What Naruto Guy am I?