What Name Should You Have Been Called?

This quiz will tell you what you should have been called. Matching your personality to a name. I bet you won't like the name you were given. So try to be content. I try.

The quiz is done in a thrilling manner. (You can tell I'm getting bored). Even if you don't like the name you got. Rate this quiz Great! I have a feeling no one will.

Created by: Abigail
  1. Favorite color
  2. What word speaks to you?
  3. Another word
  4. What is your personality?
  5. Have you read Keeper of the lost cities.
  6. If you answered that you hadn't push skip. Who is your favorite character out of these.
  7. Style of clothes.
  8. You are going to the beach. What do you take?
  9. You are going out for dinner with friends. What do you eat?
  10. What would you wear?
  11. What time would you go from?
  12. Thank you for taking the quiz. Check out my other ones. What is your pet. I'll give you a dude actor. And, What season are you at heart.

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Quiz topic: What Name should I Have Been Called?
