What Name Do You Look Like?

What name are you? Gabby or Maggie? Victoria or Charlotte? This quiz will tell you your look-alike name, you just have to answer ten questions, such as

What hair color do you have? Is your hair long or short? Do you have freckles? What eye color do you have? I’ve tried other names I do not like them so I hope this quiz is fun for you!

Created by: @GymLife
  1. What skin color do you have?
  2. Do you have freckles?
  3. Is your hair long or short?
  4. What color hair do you have? (Natural hair color)
  5. Which statement is true about you?
  6. Do you have bangs?
  7. What eye color do you have?
  8. What is your favorite season?
  9. What are your favorite colors?
  10. What name do you want to get?

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Quiz topic: What Name do I Look Like?
