what nail color should you try on next?

fyi how did they know i was speaking giberish that is not fair i hope u like my quiz and thx for taking my quiz you really do rock and now illbe sayin random words jk

omg i cant belive i need to do all this writing plz comment on my quiz no nasty comment git fyi it mean got it kk other person kk me thx u guys really rock

Created by: fatima
  1. what is your faviorte season?
  2. how would you descride yourself?
  3. what is your faviorte animal?
  4. whats your favorite class?
  5. are you in love?
  6. whats your favorite snack?
  7. whats your favorite flower?
  8. do you prefer sparkels or plain?
  9. do you have light or dark skin?
  10. whats your natural hir color?
  11. did you like this quiz?

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Quiz topic: What nail color should I try on next?