what mythical daughter are you?

Once you shoot for a quiz all the time does it matter?...Well YES IT DOES!!!be good on quizes and anserw what you like my quiz is about mythical daughters if your a guy you mqay not like this quiz..

So if your a guy and want to do it then listen closly it holds powers the moon,sun,stars,earth,wolfes and polarbears!Lol tired yet? WELL YES NOW ONE LAST THING!.Do this quiz.

Created by: cubby101
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What do u like as a power
  2. If you where in a fire what would you do?
  4. What do you like the best
  5. If you saw a wolf stuck someplace what would you do
  6. Anistasia: *howl* Winter: *stares at anistasia then howls back*
  7. If you had to save the would what would you do
  8. A chance to be a ruler what would you do
  9. How many stars?
  10. did you like this quiz? Oh what am i saying

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Quiz topic: What mythical daughter am I?