What mythical creature are you?

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Hey there! Ready to find out which mythical animal matches your personality? Get excited because we're about to dive into the magical realm! Answer a few fun questions and let's discover your mythical alter ego. Are you a fierce and majestic dragon, ruling the skies with power and wisdom? Or perhaps a graceful and enchanting unicorn, spreading magic wherever you go? Maybe you resonate with the mischievous and clever nature of a mischievous kitsune? Get ready to unleash your inner mythical beast and let's find out which creature you truly are!

Alright, folks! It's time to tap into your imagination and embark on a mythical adventure. Brace yourselves! Are you a fiery and passionate phoenix, rising from the ashes with resilience and strength? Or maybe you possess the cunning and shapeshifting abilities of a sly werewolf, navigating the night with a mysterious allure? Don't forget about the mystical and mysterious mermaids, dwelling in the depths of the ocean, or the mighty and awe-inspiring griffins, blending the powers of eagle and lion. Get ready to discover your mythical alter ego and embrace the magic within you! Let the quiz begin!

Created by: Penny424
  1. Are you goodhearted
  2. Do you want power?
  3. Are you energetic?
  4. Are you naive?
  5. Are you fast?
  6. Are you outgoing?
  7. If your friend was hurt what would you do?
  8. Are you tough?
  9. Are you protective?
  10. Did you like this quiz?

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Quiz topic: What mythical creature am I?
