What Mythical Creature Are You?

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For those of you who absolutely love mythical creatures, this is the quiz for you! This ten question quiz is to be used by people everywhere who want to reveal their inner mythical creature.

The results of this ten question quiz will determine what magical mythical creature you are. I hope that when you finish this quiz that you will share it with all of your friends. Have fun!

Created by: CousinQuizes
  1. Are you more of a social person or a lone wolf?
  2. Are you a problem solver?
  3. On a scale of 1-5 how fearless are you?
  4. Where would you be during your free time?
  5. Would you rather be in the air or on land?
  6. Are you a leader or do you prefer to follow?
  7. On a scale of 1-3 how calm are you?
  8. What is your gender?
  9. Out of these creatures what is your favorite?
  10. What do you feel more of?

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Quiz topic: What Mythical Creature am I?
