What Mythical Creature are You

Think quiz will help you know what mythical creature you most resemble. I hope you are happy with your result! I think you might be part — no. You must take the quiz to find out.

Look forward to more quizzes, and I hope you have a lot of fun with them. At this point I am just talking so I get 150 characters. Almost there, come on, now!

  1. If you were being chased by zombies and your friend tripped, what would you do?
  2. What candy do you prefer?
  3. What game?
  4. What way to write?
  5. What would you rather do?
  6. Which sport?
  7. Song? (Church hymn)
  8. You don’t want school:
  9. Color.
  10. Animal?

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Quiz topic: What Mythical Creature am I
