What mythical creature are you? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz What mythical creature are you?
Your Result: Phoenix!!! 72%
resultYou are very loyal and kind but stubborn. You would do anything to help a friend but are fierce to your enemy's. You are also very wise. Not one to back down, you would rather die than let your friends down or turn evil. My favourite result! Your also beautiful!
..... .. YES! XD I love this quiz! I also love the Fall out boy song(phoenix) to this and I even have a dance to it! XD AMAZING QUIZ!
Zero X31 -
Unicorn,I am very unique and adventurous. I also can be very creative and imaginative as well I actually wanna be a cartoonist someday soon for a living. Cool quiz mate.
Why are you posting that stupid thing? I wish you would also comment afterwards that it doesn't work!
Yeah! I'm a unicorn! Awesome answer! The description was almost exactly like me, except for I am kinda stubborn :)
Stupid quiz. And, whoever wrote it, please don't make another quiz. It was annoying.
Second most inaccurate quiz I've ever taken. Awful job.
Phoenix. Yay...?
Unicorn.... Lol now I can stab people with my head cx
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