What Mythical Creature Are You?

There are many different types of Mythical Creatures. But most people u c nowadays are Mortals. What is a Mythical Creature? Y, it is a creature that appears in mythology but hasn't been proven to exist. And a mortal is a human without any magic within themselves.

Are you a Dragon, a Fairy, a Vampire, Werewolf, a Mermaid, a Wizard, or a Mortal? Do u want to find out and know? But u now can thanks to this quiz that was made by an expert mythogist. Good luck!!!!!!!!! ;D

Created by: DragonSprit
  1. What is your favorite color?
  2. What do you like to do in your past time?
  3. What mythical creature do u want to be? (Doesn't affect your score)
  4. Do u bit your nails? (Be honest please)
  5. What superpower do u want?
  6. What do your friends think u are most like?
  7. What is your personality?
  8. Do u like swimming?
  9. What is your favorite element?
  10. What is your favorite animal?

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Quiz topic: What Mythical Creature am I?