What mythical creature are you

Ever wondered what mythical creature you are, well if you play this quiz, it will decide what mythical creature you based on your answers. And between you and me I know your not reading this.

There are 10 questions in this quiz. Make sure you answer all of these question honestly to get the most accurate question ever. And again between you and me I know you are not reading this.

Created by: Sadie
  1. What do you do in your spare time
  2. What do you hate most
  3. Which greeting best describes you
  4. Which personality describes you best
  5. What I if told you ......You that read wrong. You read that wrong too
  6. What is your fav animal
  7. What's your fav colour
  8. What is your fav holiday
  9. What would you do with £100000
  10. What are you feeling right now

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Quiz topic: What mythical creature am I
