what mythical creature are you?123

thank you for enjoying my Mexico monster researching about you guys.I'm very thankful to have you guys of people read or take this quiz.tell your friends about this website and make your own quizzes and have fun.

are you ready to be told which monster you are.have the truth told from behind you.have the facts hidden right between your eyes and now coming out of four youthe truth can hurt(even so this probably isn't right but you can pretend it is so have a good time with this yea

Created by: Mckenna Costa
  1. what is your favorite color
  2. which of the following would you rather prefer to live in
  3. which of the following would you rather prefer to live in
  4. which of the following which animal would you prefer
  5. which trees would you prefer have near you
  6. what is your favorite letter
  7. Which shoe brand do u prefer
  8. which drink do you prefer
  9. what would you rather do in a stormy night
  10. which mythical creature do you enjoy the best

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Quiz topic: What mythical creature am I?123