What Mythical Bird Are You? | Comments

Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz What Mythical Bird Are You?

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  • Your Result: Phoenix 80%

    A generous, solitary bird. You love fruit and meat equally. Every 500 years, this bird creates a nest and bursts into flames. A few days later, it rises from the ashes. You always are optimistic, and look for new hope. However lonely, you can bond with special friends.

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  • Your Result: Griffin 78%

    A hybrid between a bird of prey and a lion, the griffin is a noble creature indeed. You can be a ferocious carnivore, and can be trained to be loyal and loving. You love your family unconditionally, and will defend them to the death. You can sometimes will be hyper, and will fight any potential threat.

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  • I got Pheonix! (I hope I spelled that right,lol) I am kind of an outcast and would love to be a bird of fire. Great quiz, minus the random stuff!

    elf maiden
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