What My Hero Academia girl character are you?

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This is a personalized quiz on what My Hero Academia girl character you would be. If you don't like the result, TO BAD! But this is a good quiz so please take the quiz.

I LOVE the WILD WILD PUSSYCATS! And if you haven't watched the show, you should. First of all it is a great show. Secondly, this will not make sense if you haven't watched the show, so please do.

Created by: Mandalay Pussycat
  1. What is your favorite color?
  2. Who is your favorite MHA boy character?
  3. Who is your favorite Pro Hero?
  4. How would you describe your personality?
  5. Who do you want to get? (This doesn't affect the result)
  6. Do you want to be a Pro Hero?
  7. What is the best quirk?
  8. Best villain?
  9. What is the best outfit?
  10. Favorite food?

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Quiz topic: What My Hero Academia girl character am I?
