What music should you be listening to?

Wanna know what you should be listening to? Then use my quiz, it may be helpful. Maybe I can help you find your new favorite band/ singer. so yeah hope it helps

I have to write a second paragraph and I don't wanna, why is this necessary? I don't understand. I'm lazy I don't wanna do thiiiiiiis dang. grrr. Cheese umbrella.

Created by: CMCB
  1. What would you like to do on a friday night?
  2. What would you do if you saw a loved one fall on ice?
  3. You're stressed, what do you do
  4. You're at a concert, what are you doing?
  5. What's your favorite color?
  6. Who would you love to see in concert?
  7. If someone made fun of you, what would you do?
  8. Pick a sport
  9. I'm running out of questions... last two, let fate decide
  10. Woah

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Quiz topic: What music should I be listening to?