What Movie Sidekick are you?

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I have always thought the sidekicks in movies are underrated. What do you think? People are always like "Hey look it's Jack Sparrow and that guy standing next to him! What's his name again?" I HATE THAT!

SOOO, I decided to give the sidekicks some notice, too! What sidekick are you? Are you the kind handsome Will Turner? Or the crazy-happy Oompa Loompa?

Created by: scissorgirl28
  1. First of all, what is your favorite movie out of these?
  2. If you could live anywhere, where would it be?
  3. What do you want to eat right now?
  4. Who's you're favorite bad guy from a movie?
  5. What do you like to drink?
  6. Do you have an accent? If so what accent? (if you don't have an accent just pick one you wish you had)
  7. What's your favorite thing?
  8. If you were stuck on an island and you could only bring ONE thing, what would you bring?
  9. What would you do for love?
  10. Sadly, the quiz only has ONE more question after this:( What do you think of that?
  11. Last question:( How did you like the quiz?

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Quiz topic: What Movie Sidekick am I?