What Movie Horse Are You?

Horses are WONDERFUL creatures that man as been with for 100000s of years But horses are also the Spot Light for making movies What horse NOTE:some horses are REAL IN THIS QUIZ.

Ever wonder what movie horse you are? Now thanks to this Quiz you can find out!

Created by: Taylor

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Whats your favorite of these horses?
  2. What's your favorite?
  3. You here something SCARY you...
  4. You are a...
  5. You'd rather Be at.
  6. Your in a Dressage Contest your rider wants 1st prize you Its your turn you...
  7. You see a skunk you.
  8. Your afraid of
  9. Your favorite music is.
  10. You like to watch.

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Quiz topic: What Movie Horse am I?