What mlb player are you

The peanuts in my head and a you you can get it right away with a good time with you guys have to go back and I don't think that you are so many things I.

The peanuts in my head and a good time with you guys have a great way of saying it would mean so so happy to see my tweets and you are so many things I do it again I have a great way up there and you

Created by: Jacob
  1. How many home runs do you hit each year
  2. Are you a cheater
  3. Are you athletic
  4. Are you loyal
  5. Are you a trash talker
  6. What would you do if you made a big play
  7. Are you cool
  8. Do you like this quiz
  9. Do you like baseball
  10. What is your favorite team

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Quiz topic: What mlb player am I