What Minecraft Mob are you?

Minecraft monsters are all really different. Real life people are all really different. What kind of Minecraft Monster are you? Are you a shy Enderman, an emotional creeper, or a social Zombie Pigman?

Since each monster is different, it is not easy to decide. This quiz is so you can figure out which monster you are. It judges, shyness, emotionalness, aggressiveness, popularity, and if you like pie.

Created by: David
  1. How popular are you?
  2. Do you like to be in groups, or alone?
  3. How aggressive are you?
  4. How easily to you get mad?
  5. How emotional are you?
  6. Are you shy?
  7. Do you like pie?
  8. Do you like cake?
  9. Do you like waffles?
  10. Do you like French Toast?

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Quiz topic: What Minecraft Mob am I?