What Mha Boy Will You Be?

Hello this is the mha boy test to see which boy you will boy, of course it isn't all the boys because that would be INSANITY and like a thousand questions.

Sorry if the test is bad but I tried my best, and my mind is confused of what I do. So pls don't hate on me pretty pls, hope you enjoy BYEEEEE.

Created by: ???
  1. Do you get mad easily?
  2. Are you shy?
  3. Are you always tired?
  4. Do you bully?
  5. What's your favriot color?
  6. Did your mother hurt you in any type of way?
  7. Do you hate your dad?
  8. Do you love candy?
  9. Are you a bottem?
  10. Are you a top?

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Quiz topic: What Mha Boy will I Be?
