What Mewpix Character are you?

Hey Mewpix fanz, ILOVEurstorys here haz brought you another quiz. BASED OFF HER GEMPAI MEWPIX'S CHARACTERS!!!!!!!!!!!! OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, take it r die (JK)

They want me to write another paragraph? No freaking way ________________________________________________________________________ Hey Mewpix fanz, ILOVEurstorys here haz brought you another quiz. BASED OFF HER GEMPAI MEWPIX'S CHARACTERS!!!!!!!!!!!! OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, take it r die (JK)

Created by: Haley (ILOVEurstorys on wattpa
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. My favorite ninja is...
  2. I like to eat...
  3. My eyes are
  4. My hair is...
  5. I like to read
  6. my fridge
  7. If only I could (helps you get wat u want)
  8. do you do your homework
  9. Follow MEWPIX
  10. I have to add one more question... who do you want to get

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Quiz topic: What Mewpix Character am I?