What mental disorder do you have? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz What mental disorder do you have?
HMMMM, i got paranoia. Im not paranoid. But I do think about what people say behind my back. NICE QUIZ!
Manic Depressive?That describes me perfectly!
is this quiz really accurate?if it is,then it's confirmed that i'm paranoid.i always thought that i am.
ADD/ADHD, haha. Actually, I am. Having it is actually no fun nor cute, for all of you who think you are and think it is. XD
NaeNae1 -
this test isnt that accurate.
i have Asperger Syndrome, and it said i have Manic Depressive
(...is asperger syndrome even an answer? O.o)
Trevor1 -
I was diagnosed with all of these except the Manic Depressive and Paranoia ones. and im only 12. 0.o
It said that i had paranoia...and i only remember answering one question that had anything to do with paranoia..in all seriousness...the test really sucked ass to me
omg i got Attention Deficit Disorder...my whole family thinks i have add..BUT I DONT!!!! just because im in my own world a lot and i dont..HEY LOOK A BUTTERFLY!!!anyways , wait what was i saying???
paranoia.... well the description sounds about right... the runner up was manic depressive.... oh well....ill get back to my spoons now
Manic Depressive... yeah, that sounds about right.
henkah1 -
i had Panaioma...or w/e not sure of the name lol...but i practically dont see any1 haas that here... well idk it right.. i do feel like some1's watching me lol. and i care about what others say about me..i kno thats wrong tho..but its a mental disorder...thats cool :)
It seems like a lot of people have add. That's what I got. I actually DO have add too. I think I may hav ocd as well. I could go for another brownie right now...
Oh, yea! I almost forgot! kebert27_2007, if I were u (which I am not so u don't hav 2 listen 2 me), I wouldn't let this quiz tell u what u hav. Not saying it isn't really accurate, but u dont know who it was made by. If it was made by a docotr, then maybe ure right.
i have ADD and i received a very low score in that area. lol but i was " diagnosed " with being manic depressive.
tru1 -
Sorry but this quiz doesn't relate anything to me.. I don't feel like people are watching me.. o.O
yazzmin1 -
I new I was bipolar
90% paranoia. i’ve gone to several websites on “what’s your mental disorder” quizzes and got paranoia every time. i’m only in middle school jesus christ
Yeah it's right, I have anxiety
My mental disorder is ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) and that is extremely creepy and kind of true. WELL DONE QUIZZY.
Got OCD on the quiz. Every time I touch something with 1 hand I HAVE to touch it with the other XD
Mehmeh1 -
It is kind of sad but my therapist,doctor and mum all.said i have the same thing...theme takes thi quis and this person tells me the same thing............. Manic Depressive.... O.o
Knew it!, odd 93% I always want to be perfect, that's kind of a good thing, I achieve a lot in life with that.
seebsy1 -
Your Result: ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) 88%
84% Manic Depressive
81% Paranoia
31% OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder)
19% GAD (Generalized Anxiety Disorder)Prince J1 -
Manic Depressive. And it's true, by the way.
Santana1 -
OCD. True, because I have to move things in my bedroom to make it perfect eg my blinds.
Please don't ready this you will get kissed on the nearest Friday by the love of your life however if you don't post this to at least 3 other quizzes you will die between 2 days.now uv started reading so done stop this is so scary.Send this to over 5 quizzes in the next 143 minutes. When your done press F6 and your crushes name will appear on the screen in big letters.This is so scary cuz it actually works!