What mental disorder do you have? | Comments

Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz What mental disorder do you have?

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  • It says that I have ADD. I feel 50/50 about this actually. I may have it but I don't think that I need to be diagnosed with this. But still, I might be diagnosed with and don't know yet until that day comes. This answer might be kinda true, maybe!

  • I did this quiz to see if accurate. It is! I have been tested by doctors for ADD, and tested positive. That is what your quiz said I had. Good job! 👍🏻

  • I tell you something i do have ADD i wanted to see if you got it right and its correct good job! 50 bucks my friend is coming your way :D

  • I got ADD, I also have dyslexia. Weird, this sounds crazy but ADD(or ADHD) and dyslexia r signs of being a demigod!

    Zoe Nightshade
  • I have all the mental disorders i feel like there's someone out to get me no one can describe me

    alison meyers
  • Your quiz says I have ADD which I've been professionally diagnosed with! Good quiz!

    Thomas Swag
  • It is truly a nice and helpful piece of info. I am happy that you shared this helpful info with us. Please stay us informed like this. Thanks for sharing.

    alex [no urls]

  • Lol. I got ADD! Meh, I guess focusing on something isn't my specialty! But I definitely don't have ADD! Oh well, nice quiz by the way! ^-^

  • quit the forwarding comments, because, if i am right, then i have died over the year because not posted the comments, plus, i tryed the tails doll curse and i am not dead!

  • Lol I guess I have ADD. ....... Wait, what was I talking about again...? (jk) but I do drift into my thoughts and have a hard time focusing often.

  • ADD. Really accurate because I actually have it! This quiz is awesome. It should be the #1 most popular.


    And I strongly believe this quiz becaus I am ADHD and my brother is ADD. We are a weird family. At least I am not paironoyed all the time. LOL that was so random

  • GAD. And shut up about the Lily junk, it ain't true. I've read stuff like this, done nothing about it, nothing happens. Yeesh.

  • Paranoia. Sooo right its like your my mom shes always saying Im paranoid. Awesome quiz.

  • haha i got almost the full bar on ocd xDD which kinda seems realistic...my parents complain about my obsessive cleaning all the time xP ohhh well..

  • haha i got almost the full bar on ocd xDD which kinda seems realistic...my parents complain about my obsessive cleaning all the time xP ohhh well..

  • I got ADD, but if I keep worrying about it, it may turn into something else. Uh-oh! Wait, wait, I'm worrying again...

  • hey, Seanachaidh! that's awesome what you said: "i just zone out on purpose sometimes because the world inside my head is a lot cooler than reality." lol! that was great, i do that too! :)

  • ADD: You have a very hard time focusing, and you find it difficult to stay on task without your mind wandering -- oh look, a bird! wait...what was i saying? er nevermind

  • that was amazing but i dint get it i am so confused what is going on ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i board fashkffgghdkhsd you dont have to read the rest asut akljtwa eroig alakgj aoi lalalalala hfad;hkfa blue fajk pinapple hd.kjjkfsdahjs i fill like italian food hosfkhfaehf lalalalala i have nothing to do hfhoi;sd;h i am so not looking forward to starting school i am going into 9th gread so starting high school ya fun but ya hey gess what i am in a contry called kazhkstan did you know that it is the 5th larget country in the world and the largest landlocked country and befor i knew i was coming here i didnt even know it exested ya i have ben so board for the past month and all i had to do to keep me ocupied was a slow laptop whith a realy slow internet conection i haent talked to people besids my family for over a month so i think i am going insain and i haent writin anny yhing in a long time so my spelling is realy bad can you tell i amm also writing this on a laptop where the kays are falling off so it is veary difficult to typ you realy dont have to read this i am suprised you made it this far wow this is giting realy long but i amm keeping going so i am wondering does anny ine know what 78x86-45+104x236-14 54= just wondering and does anny one know somthing yo can do by yourself with only papper and a laptop that is fun hmm do you know what i am going to play a gam i will go post this on 17 other quizzes including this one see how many you can find and if you want to tell me that would be great but i really doubt anny one will play why are you still reading you have somthing better to do.

  • i just made a quiz for all you fans out there who love the Saw horror movie series. its titled what Saw movie character are you?. go to the newest quizzes and see what character you are?

    the game man
  • Paranoia. I believe I have it, because the description matches the things I feel all the time.

  • I don't have Attention Deficit Disorder but I like the layout borders for this page.

  • I have OCD I count, count and count more, I hate it, it gets annoying and I can't stop, and I can't find any good help!!

  • Paranoia......i dont have paranoia! Just because people are watching me all the time and i cant stop thinking they are talking abOUT ME AND I WANT TO SHOUT AT EVERYONE TO LEAVE ME ALONE BUT THEY ARE LOOKING AT ME AND I DONT WANT THEM TO SEE ME AAAARRRRGGGGGG!!!!!

    I feel much better now...thank you


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