What member of the Pals are you?

This quiz is made by DocileWashedWrinkles.I can't tell you my real name because of sertain reasons but this is what I used in replace for my real name.

Thank you for being interested in my quiz.It was nice of you to take some of your time to play this quiz.So thank you guys so much.This is really exciting!!Then again THANK YOU!!!!

Created by: Cathrin
  1. What is your favorite color?HMM?
  2. Who is your favorite Pals member?Huh?
  3. If you are a girl,who would you marry?If you are a boy...TO BAD FOR YOU!!!
  4. Who would you adopt?
  5. What animal do you prefer?
  6. How old are you?
  7. How would you describe Alex?
  8. How would you describe Sub?
  9. How would you describe Corl?
  10. I got tired of naming all of the people.So who do you like best?
  11. Did you enjoy this quiz? PLEASE SAY YAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Quiz topic: What member of the Pals am I?
