What Member are you in the Dream SMP?

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This is a very very serious test that took years of research to perfect and make 100% reliable. Will determine everything else in your future for the rest of your life.

Btw not clickbait))) Can never be redone, if you try to retake the test we will hunt you down and come for you. If you didn't like the person you got that's on you for not being anything like your fave.

Created by: Crown_Labs
  1. Favorite Color
  2. What's your favorite animal?
  3. What would you considered yourself
  4. Who do you want to be?(No Effect)
  5. Do you support LGBTQ+?
  6. How much do you know the secrets of Dream SMP?
  7. Where do you stand politically?
  8. Do you support JShlatt's evil doing?
  9. Good Pvp skills
  10. What is your favorite weapon to use
  11. Who would you want to gift sub to?(This is also your favorite and no effect)

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Quiz topic: What Member am I in the Dream SMP?
