what mcyt are you?

uh enjoy this. this is fully for fun and in no way accurate ill probably make a better one but. i. like i said enjoy. yyyyyyyyeeeeeeeaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh .

tttttttttttttttttttaaaaaaaaaaaakkkkkkkkkeeeeeeee iiiiiitttttttttt aaaaaaaassssssss mmmmmmaaaaaannnnnyyyyy ttttiiiimmmmeeeessss aaaaasssss yyyyyoooouuuuu wwwwaaaaaannnnnnttttt ........

Created by: hoppz
  1. whats your favorite song?
  2. whats your favorite color?
  3. favorite animal?
  4. favorite block?
  5. favorite game?
  6. who do you think youll get?
  7. favorite food?
  8. favorite mcyt?
  9. favorite lunch club member?
  10. favorite class?

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Quiz topic: What mcyt am I?
