What Maximum Ride character are you most like? Fun.

Hi, fellow Maximum Ride fans! If you're like me, than you're pretty much obsessed with Maximum Ride. I made this quiz because I found that not many include Fang's Gang. Which is sad.

This quiz includes Max. Fang. Ratchet. Kate. Holden. Ella. Iggy. Angel. Nudge. I wanted to add more, but it wouldn't let me. So sorry about that. Anyways, have fun. :D

Created by: Maximum Ride
  1. 1: What power would you want if you had a choice?
  2. 1: An evil guy threatens your friends. What do you do?
  3. What's your favorite color? Sorry.
  4. A stranger offers you shelter, but not your friends. What do you do?
  5. 5: What's your favorite movie?
  6. 6: What's your favorite food?
  7. 7: What's you're favorite song?
  8. 8: Who do you think you'll get? Doesn't affect outcome
  9. 9: Did you have fun? Does affect outcome
  10. 10: Did you have a good day? Doesn't affect outcome.

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Quiz topic: What Maximum Ride character am I most like? Fun.
