What Marvel/MCU Organisation Do You Belong To?

Find out which organisation you are likely in from Marvel! random letters go:vhbnjhtdyrxycgvhbjlnk;njlhbgvfctdxrgvhbjlkgvfctdyxcfgvhbjltiyyrecvghbuctdyxcfghbj


Created by: Spade or bUs
  1. What's your favourite colour?
  2. Which team from Civil War are you supporting?
  3. If you have an MCU OC/self insert, where would they/you visit first?
  4. Would you rather The Red Room/Black Widow Ops. or HYDRA's Winter Soldier program?
  5. Would you rather be a student at Xavier's School For Gifted Youngsters (circa whenever you were a teenager) or be a part of The Brotherhood of Mutants under Magneto?
  6. Would you rather be a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent under Nick Fury or be an Avenger under Steve Rogers? (They're like your "superior" in this)
  7. Scenario: You/your OC have been taken prisoner by an enemy. You're bound to a chair in a dark basement with nothing around you. They're threatening to kill your parents if you don't do as they say!
  8. Is Natasha Romanoff or Wanda Maximoff better?
  9. Tony Stark or Pepper Potts? (No effect)
  10. Wanda Maximoff or Pietro Maximoff? (No effect)

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Quiz topic: What Marvel/MCU Organisation do I Belong To?
