What marilyn manson song are you?

There are alot of great marilyn manson songs out there but they all mean something different. So what song are you??? Take this quiz and youll find out.

I love marilyn manson i have been a fan since 5th grade. if you are a fan to take this quiz to find out to see which one of his provoking songs you are.

Created by: playingsuicide

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Do you think there is a God?
  2. Are you a rebel?
  3. Do you hate alot of people?
  4. Do people judge you and get in your way?
  5. Are you bullied and tormented?
  6. Are you unpopulare but wish you were populare?
  7. Do you get judged all the time?
  8. Are you about to kill who ever is bullying you?
  9. What song do you think you'll get???
  10. Will you rate and comment? (i just added this question because i needed 12 ?s)

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Quiz topic: What marilyn manson song am I?