What magical creature are you?

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Hello everyone (random guest, schools, parts of my family) this quiz just might tell you what magical creature you are! Some are animals some are not!

Be sure to know some magical creatures! If you don’t know one (or any!) be sure to google it or ask me!!! I need 150 characters so hi! .... enjoy everyone

Created by: Janista
  1. What’s your fav meal out of these
  2. What Disney characters would you choose to watch out of these?
  3. Witch element would you have if you were given one power out of these?
  4. Choose a fruit
  5. What’s your hobby
  6. How much do you sleep?
  7. What is your dream pet?
  8. When do you wake up?
  9. I have no questions in mind so the rest will be random words (they have no affect)
  10. Hi

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Quiz topic: What magical creature am I?
