What Mad Studi character are you?

You like Mad Studios? well here, there are 5 characters (More coming soon) for you to get, It will say who you act like most. Well good luck. Read more to know about the characters.

There are 5 people (I know its repeated) There is Drew, Red, Kat, Callie, and Jimmy. At the end I will ask you which of these 4 people should be added. Peter. Ben. Sherman. Angel. Lee.

Created by: Coribn
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Have you ever bullied anyone before?
  2. What is your favorite drink?
  3. What Mad Studio character do you think like (date way)
  4. What is your biggest collection of?
  5. Who do you want to get (affects answer)
  6. what is your type of gameplay in The Mad Murderer if you are innocent.
  7. What is your type of gameplay in The Mad Murderer if you are sheriff?
  8. What do you do in The Mad Murderer if you are Murderer?
  9. What is your strategy in The Mad Paintball?
  10. Last question, who should be added next? (Affects score)

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Quiz topic: What Mad Studi character am I?