What Lorax Couple Do You Support?

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If you've ever shipped Lorax characters before, you need this quiz in your life. If you haven't, you are probably missing OUT!

What will be your supporting Lorax couple? Enjoy!!! If you don't have a love life or spouse just say no. See what couple you get at the end of the quiz! Have fun! Na Na Thneeds, Baraloots, and Humming Fishies.

Created by: Heather
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you support gay rights?
  2. Do you support crossovers?
  3. Would you betray your love for your own selfness?
  4. Would you do anything for love?
  5. Do get along with your spouse very well?
  6. Do you support animal human pairs?
  7. Choose a Song.
  8. Almost done, do you like pancakes?
  9. Would go out with other boys or girls and make your spouse mad you?
  10. Last Question, Did you like this quiz.

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Quiz topic: What Lorax Couple do I Support?