what Lolly are you?

Are you a sugar addict? Can't ever stop eating lollies? Well, then this quiz is for you./ I hope you really enjoy this quiz cos I spent so much time on it

Enjoy!! You're only moments away from getting your result!!

Created by: jackiefrenchsuperfan
  1. You and you're friends are at the shopping centre and your looking at clothes! what style suits you best?
  2. your mate just broke up with her boyfriend! what do you do about it?
  3. what is your favourite boy band?
  4. who is the coolest person ever?
  5. are you soft and sweet?
  6. what is your favourite classic?
  7. which is your favourite subject?
  8. hi!
  9. a
  10. did you enjoy this quiz?

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Quiz topic: What Lolly am I?