What lizard are you

Lizard are awesome have ever wondered what lizard you could be? well now you can this quiz will tell you what lizard you are so enjoy this quiz it is awesome

Are YOU a lizard lover? if you are this quiz is the right one for you because it will tell you what lizard you are so take it and find out because it is awesome

Created by: Aubrey

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. you walk along the park and find 3 foods all the fruit and veggies you want,a juicy jumbo meat platter and fruit and steak.
  2. now random question what is your favorite color
  3. roleplaying time! you are a lizard walking and find a lizard in your territoy what do you do
  4. what do you do for fun?
  5. a lizard offers you 3 things and it is meat,veggies,or bugs
  6. you decide to go out for a walk and a lizard challenges you to fight it is huge what do you do?
  7. ok sadly no more roleplay for now how do you feel about that
  8. roleplay! what is most important in a lizard
  9. what lizard ability do you want?
  10. a lizard comes to you hurt you do what

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Quiz topic: What lizard am I