What little house on the prairie character are you?

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Hello, welcome to my quiz, you might know this show or you might now but I can tell you that the show and book is really good and I encourage that you do so!

This quiz will help you figure out your inner little house character, lol! You will answer these questions and you will soon figure out who you are! (Sorry if you are not happy with your results!)

Created by: Olivia
  1. Do you enjoy serving other people or do you just like people serving you?
  2. Are you hard working and will never give up or do you just stop when it gets hard?
  3. Do you even admit that you are a brat?
  4. Are you just always crazy, jolly or in a good mood?!
  5. Are you "Perfect" Like you are a good student, smart and helpful with others?
  6. Do you LUV your dog? (I mean you should but I needed more questions)
  7. Do you like cooking? Or is it a chore to you?
  8. Do you like breaking rules or are you a rule follower?
  9. Are you going to drink when your older
  10. Do you want to be a stay at home mom-dad
  11. Do you enjoy working or do you think that's a chore TOO
  12. What's your fav color?
  13. Which one would you rather eat?
  14. Do you care about everyone (The good people, not villains)

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Quiz topic: What little house on the prairie character am I?
