what lip gloss are you?

MMM My Lips so luscious! No matter how different all us girls lives may be one thing is sure... WE ALL love the feeling of the slippery lip gloss over our lips! YUM. Take this quiz to find out what brand of lip gloss you are! From sweet to sour or traditional to fruity, you are bound to be one! JAKC DAVIS LOVE STHIS QUIZ.. I KNOW.. HE TOLD ME..

Have you ever wondered what Lip gloss you are? WELL NOW YOU CAN WITH THIS QUIZZZ!!! ENJOY! THIS QUIZ WAS INSPIRED BY JACK DAVIS!!!!!!!HE WEARS LIP GLOSS... HE TOLD ME. BORED. Lip gloss is good. lip gloss is yummy. I love lip gloss. Lip gloss is sticky. lip gloss is nats favorite. lip gloss rocks like me. u stink. so hows life? good for me!!

Created by: Natsilv
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What's a normal day for you?
  2. If you were an animal what would you say you'd be?
  3. If you had $500, what would you do with it?
  4. what zodiac sign are you?
  5. When you feel sexy, how do you show it?
  6. What is your favorite neopet?
  7. If you were a Twilight/New Moon/Eclipse character, who would you be?
  8. Who is the Hottest of all these peoples?
  9. Whats your favorite book?
  10. What famous person do you hate?
  11. What Famous person style do you want?

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Quiz topic: What lip gloss am I?