What level of horse rider are you

There are many people who think they are great horse people but not as many who know they are great horse people.When taking this quiz you will know just how good you are.

Are you a great horse person?In this quiz you will find out just how good you are so now you can brag/prove to your friends and family just how good you are and learn a little on the way.

Created by: Juliette
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Can you ride a walk,trot,canter,and gallop
  2. I can tack up my pony by myself
  3. I know whether to call the vet or whether I can treat a Injury myself.(be honest)
  4. What does the acronym Act stand for?
  5. What is the average height of a horse
  6. Should your stirrup bar be closed
  7. What's a green horse
  8. What's a mare
  9. What's a sire
  10. What's a freeze brand

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Quiz topic: What level of horse rider am I