What Level of Fat are You? | Comments

Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz What Level of Fat are You?

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  • Um, based on when this quiz was created, you totally copied everything you have from another quiz that was made before this one! Literally, you copied the results almost exactly and each question is almost exactly the same down to the last answer! I hate it when people copy quizzes like this, and btw it is illegal to copy other people's work. Rated 0/10 stars.

  • Result: Obese 98%

    You are extremely overweight. You really need to get out and do some exercise everyday for the rest of your life. You don't want to die because of excess fat on your body do you? Well i hope not, so change your life immediately!

  • Result: Morbidly Obese 96%

    Good Lord. Fat peeps are cool, but you are just gross. Sorry if I offended you but... Why do some people get this way? If you do manage to lose weight, then don't feel pressured to be aneroxic, just stop at a pleasant plumness.

    48% Fat

  • What Level of Fat are You?
    Your Result: Obese 86%

    OMFG, what in the holy hell have you been eating!!!!!!!!!!?? You are HUGE!!! I think it is impossible to get you skinny. You are just an eating machine. It will be no use...

    63% Fat

    The first thingy
  • Chubby

    I have gained about 40 pounds in the last 2 months I'm kind of plump now and I have a 6 Inch muffin top.

  • Obese

    OMFG, what in the holy hell have you been eating!!!!!!!!!!?? You are HUGE!!! I think it is impossible to get you skinny. You are just an eating machine. It will be no use...

  • skinny:)

    check out my quiz your most embarasing moment

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