What level are you at Guitar Hero?

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This quiz is to know how good you are at guitar hero. There are 6 levels that I have determined for this quiz. After the quiz, I just explain in detail how good you are on each level.

These are the level that I have determined for Guitar hero: Level 1: Noob Level 2: Rookie Level 3: Intermediate Level 4: Advanced Level 5: Expert Level 6: Legendary

Created by: vetador

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  1. Can you finish a song on easy difficulty?
  2. Can you finish a song on medium difficulty?
  3. Can you do Through the fire and flame on medium difficulty?
  4. Can you finish a song on Hard difficulty?
  5. Can you play on Expert?
  6. If you have done The Warrior of rock on expert, how hard it was to finish the final boss?
  7. Can you finish Through the fire and flame on hard difficulty?
  8. Can you finish Through the fire and flame on expert?
  9. How long have you been playing guitar hero?
  10. How frequent do you play guitar hero?

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Quiz topic: What level am I at Guitar Hero?