What letter does your date's name start with? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz What letter does your date's name start with?
I think you got it wrong because the guy I like is Chayton and he is the guy I have been crushing on since pre- school!!!
I meant to say this: Cool quiz. I suppose one of the people who I think is OK begins with C, but I prefer the one beggining with M...
Cool quiz. I suppose one of the people who I think is OK begins with O, but I prefer the one beggining with M...
I got the letter J.
That was my ex- boyfriends name. lolern111 -
This quiz got it wrong my bf's name starts with an A.
but the description is right. ok quiz
Ko0l! Awes0me! Haha can't believe it was kinda accurate! Hehe ^^ I got j! Huhu ^^ w0nder if it is g0nna c0me true..hehe ^^ l0ve ur quiz! Keep it up ya! ^^
Teeya1 -
the letter S cool quiz. That is true
O Its sumed up in a nutshell for me. Its completlye true.
jaybee1 -
IT WAS RIGHT! It said "C"
ok quiz
misskiss1 -
that was reli freaky!! j is soo rite!!
wow! awesome quiz! -
O................ o.o"
J... That's my friendboy's last name... oh.....
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