What Legendery Pokemon Are You?

This quiz will tell you how powerful you are and which of these 5 pokemon you are. You must answer with truth or you will get a robg answer and you will be a pokemon hater.

If you do answer with truth and you will get a Prankster Gangster move as that pokemon, but if you get nothing try putting different answers and you will get youre ideal pokemon.

Created by: Evaristo
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Whats youre favorite color?
  2. Whats youre fears?
  3. Whats youre favorite pokenall?
  4. Whats youre stile?
  5. Are you a...
  6. You didn't know.
  7. Where do babies come from?
  8. Whats youre elemnt?
  9. Whats youre favorite video game?
  10. Whats youre name?

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