what Legendary Jedi are you?

Are you dark or light? Strong or swift? Find out... there are a lot of results, I made them up for fun so plz dont get mad if you dont get what you want.

Hope you enjoy! I worked really hard on this and I tried my very best, My roblox user is Theunimaster0711 if you want it. Dont get mad because this is for fun!

Created by: Natalie smith
  1. what color?
  2. dark or light?
  3. Your team mate is losing a battle against an enemy, what do you do?
  4. You find yourself cornered and your enemy is holding you against the wall.
  5. Favorite element (click other if it is not on here)
  6. Almost done!
  7. Which Jedi do you want?
  8. Do you want to be strong or swift?
  9. Quiet or loud
  10. Please like and share if u can!!

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Quiz topic: What Legendary Jedi am I?
